Stay OSHA Compliant with BW’s Dust Containment Systems

In 2017, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a new law intended to significantly lower the amount of silica dust to which workers are exposed. Given that exposure to silica dust can result in silicosis and other potentially fatal health conditions, OSHA takes violations very seriously.
An estimated 2.3 million individuals are exposed to silica dust while working. Between October of 2017 and April of 2018, OSHA issued 117 work-place violations. Eighty percent of these violations were classified as “serious.” The most common citation? “Failure to conduct an exposure assessment of workers exposed to respirable silica.”
The next most common violation was “failure to have a written exposure control plan.” Other violations were given for failure to adhere to OSHA’s equipment regulations. These violations come with fines, the largest of which during that period was $9,239 per day (fines are capped at $12,934). One highway contractor in Virginia was charged nearly $300,000 across five fines, well past the three-fine threshold for what OSHA considers willful or serious violation.
How BW’s Dust Containment Systems Keep You OSHA Compliant
* Higher CFM: Increased Vacuum Performance
* Compressed Air Pulsation: Hands-free Filter Cleaning
* Filter Efficiency: MERV16 Rated with 99.7% efficiency at .3 microns
* Utilize the bagging system in the B-101, B-202 and A-404 Vacuums
Are You OSHA Compliant?
A Helpful List of Ways to Stay Compliant with OSHA Law
- Employers must evaluate and monitor the eight-hour total weight average exposure for employees who are reasonably expected to be exposed to silica dust.
- Employers must notify exposed employees of exposure assessments within 15 working days after the completed assessment.
- Regulate high exposure areas.
- Keep employees informed, protected, and aware.
- Limit the number of employees in high exposure areas.
- Post signs in high-risk areas to avoid unnecessary personnel in those areas.
- Utilize OSHA’s educational materials.
- Have a written exposure control plan—equipment guidelines, how to handle raw material, general labor practices.
- Stay organized. Keep training info, general practices, and air monitoring records organized and easily accessible for both employers and employees.
If you are interested in more information about BW Manufacturing’s line of dust containment systems, or are looking to make a purchase, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about concrete vacuuming equipment and OSHA compliant concrete vacuum safety.
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